
Skin White Masks Natural with Kiwi

Skin White Masks Natural with Kiwi - Kiwi was not only delicious to eat, it is also effective for skin beauty. Vitamin content (E) Kiwi moisturizes the skin in the surface layer of healthy skin lightened and make it easier.

Kiwi also book "cited health privacy can to protect that Vitamin (E) collagen membrane cells and prevent damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. The high content of Vitamin (E) and other nutrients, the Kiwi also be used for healthy skin face masks as a native New Zealand. As a result of constant exposure to the sun, despite New Zealand's original always smooth the skin.

Kiwi recipes beauty masks a sniper following:

1st. Dry skin

To: How to mix a tablespoon kiwi juice, olive oil and 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. Spread across the whole face. Let stand for 15 minutes. With a sponge and uses. In addition to communications systems, but also a useful form of symmetry may be cool skin and otters.

2nd For all skin types

How To: Mix 1 kiwi fruit mixture, 2 tablespoons yogurt, plain, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon almond oil, 1 cup of islands, which together mashed. Move all the ingredients until a homogeneous paste. Applied to dry face and left. Clean wash your face with cold water. Coypu can relax and gain more skin.

3rd Caul

How to: kiwi, yogurt normal 15 mm, and skim milk, honey 5 ml of 5 mg and 5 mg of fine oatmeal (1), grains smaller oil drop key and 1 drop of lavender oil in half of the put Blender. Mix all ingredients until smooth liquid.

Apply to face and neck with cotton blend. Massage it gently rinse and finished with toner and moisturizer. You can the benefits of herbs, cool the mask and is able to cleanse the skin. Apply this mask when needed, and soon after settlement.

4.Untuk cleansing mask

: To delete a kiwi and Limor-face. If you caught the feeling of the skin, pinched, that the organic acid was in the Kiwi at work. 15 minutes after washing the face. Then evacuated with any tonic. Then, face cream, which is usually worn applications. Benefits that may be derived from the herb is able to clean the skin and strengthen the large pores.

Terms of dead skin 5.Untuk

How do I use a blender strawberries 5-6 (1), Kiwi, peeled cucumber skin and a half. Mix all ingredients until the dough thin. Even the water and a teaspoon of oatmeal, until thickened.

Applied to the face and neck. Slowly peeling massage. Leave it for 5-10 minutes. Clean with warm water. Advantages that can get you, can be cleaned and Porter Upgrade

Skin White Masks Natural with Kiwi

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